Thursday, May 17, 2007

rinos ou rituais...sinas ou sapais...

Once upon a time... a preacher came to me and said: "Hei boy... You there! Do not be afraid of me.... i am here to tell you to be a Freeman!";
i answered with a qustion: "what´s that? A Freeman?";
he loooked at a dog that was passing by and told me this: " see that dog? That´s freedog... no in in soul...he is onde with the world... he is the air, the water, the leaf...he is part of the nature! Just be as you, as part of the nature...throw away your coat of fear, of responsability, of sadness, frustration,...fuck it all...fuck the smile...just be you..."
I thougth that the Preacher was crazy...but he wasn´t... no more than me or you...he is sane or insane...maybe he´s doing it somewhere else in the world...
What was the effect on me?
And does that mean that i am not me?
Well.. i do not fucking know...

1 comment:

Fallen19 said...

So that we can be free we have to say "fuck you" to every organized bullshit in this world, to every motherfucker who wants to control our acts and thoughts and in the end we'll have to say "fuck you" even to the Preacher of freedom.
But if that gets to be a goal it will become a chain and the freedom impossible to attain.
So we'll just have to say "FUCK YOU" to every fucking goal in our lifes without a thought about it. It will have to come from the inside as an instinct and that seems so hard to do. But that journey is a learning experience we all should go through.

Preach, Freeman! I want to read it.